Alien vs. Predator 3: Retribution brings the iconic sci-fi horror franchise back with a thrilling new installment, featuring Will Smith in a key role as a resourceful and charismatic leader battling against the deadly extraterrestrial creatures. Set in a future where humanity has inadvertently opened a portal to a hidden realm inhabited by both Aliens and Predators, the film follows a group of elite soldiers and scientists as they attempt to contain the chaos unleashed by these ancient foes.
The full teaser trailer showcases intense action sequences, jaw-dropping visual effects, and heart-pounding suspense as the team must navigate a labyrinth of danger while uncovering the dark secrets of the creatures’ origins. With a reported budget of $100 million, Retribution promises a high-stakes adventure that blends horror and action, delivering adrenaline-fueled moments that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Directed by a skilled filmmaker, the film explores themes of survival, honor, and the relentless pursuit of power in a battle where humanity must outsmart its predatory foes or face annihilation.