Venom 4: King in Black is the darkest and most ambitious installment in the Venom franchise, adapting the iconic King in Black storyline from Marvel Comics. Directed by Andy Serkis, the film pits Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) and Venom against Knull, the god of symbiotes, in a battle for Earth’s survival.
The story begins with Eddie and Venom adjusting to their new life as anti-heroes, but their peace is shattered when a mysterious cosmic event plunges the world into darkness. Knull, the ancient creator of the symbiotes, arrives on Earth with his army of symbiote dragons, seeking to reclaim his dominion. Knull’s presence awakens a primal fear in Venom, who reveals to Eddie the horrifying truth about their origins.
As Knull spreads chaos, Eddie and Venom reluctantly team up with other Marvel characters, including Spider-Man (rumored cameo by Tom Holland) and Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), to stop the symbiote god. The film explores Eddie’s internal struggle as he questions whether Venom’s power is enough to defeat Knull or if he must sacrifice himself to save humanity.
The climax features an epic battle in New York City, where Eddie and Venom merge with the Enigma Force, becoming the cosmic-powered “Captain Universe” to confront Knull. In a heartbreaking twist, Eddie sacrifices himself to destroy Knull, leaving Venom to bond with a new host, setting up future storylines.