| First Trailer | Liam Hemsworth, Freya Allan | Netflix + Concept (4K)

The Witcher: Season 4 picks up right where the shocking events of the previous season left off. Geralt of Rivia, now separated from Yennefer and Ciri, faces his darkest and most dangerous challenges yet.

The trailer opens with a sweeping shot of the Continent, cloaked in the cold grip of winter. Geralt (now played by Liam Hemsworth) is seen galloping through snow-covered forests on Roach, his signature two swords gleaming ominously. A voiceover from Dandelion hints at the turmoil ahead: “Chaos reigns. The realms are fractured. Old enemies rise from the shadows.”

Cut to Yennefer, scarred and visibly exhausted, as she stands before a council of mages. “The Lodge is divided,” she says, her voice tinged with both defiance and desperation. “And if we do not unite, we will all perish.” The scene shifts to a vision of burning towns and fleeing villagers, indicating a new, looming threat. The Wild Hunt, long feared as a myth, is now a terrifying reality.

We then see Ciri, cloaked and alone, practicing her swordplay with fierce determination. “I won’t run anymore,” she whispers, eyes blazing with a resolve we’ve not seen before. She is no longer the hunted but the hunter, seeking out answers about her own mysterious powers.

Interspersed are flashes of new characters: a cunning Nilfgaardian general with ambitions beyond the throne, a witch plotting in the shadows, and a mysterious warrior with an agenda of his own. There’s a brief but tantalizing shot of an older sorceress, perhaps Philippa Eilhart, casting a spell that lights up the night sky.

The final moments of the trailer are a whirlwind of action. Geralt, bloodied but unbroken, battles monstrous beasts and spectral riders. Ciri, surrounded by flames, screams in anguish as a massive portal opens above her. And finally, a heart-stopping shot of Yennefer, cradling an unconscious Geralt, her face twisted with grief.

As the screen fades to black, a chilling whisper echoes: “Destiny is calling. And it is coming for us all.”

The title card “The Witcher: Season 4” flashes, promising a season of unrelenting danger, powerful magic, and the ultimate test of courage.

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