In Black Panther 3: Shadows of Wakanda (2025), unveils an epic teaser trailer that hints at a bold new chapter for the Marvel franchise. The story picks up in the aftermath of Wakanda’s struggles to adapt to global attention and internal challenges. Michael B. Jordan returns as Killmonger in a surprising twist, appearing in spiritual visions to guide Shuri (Letitia Wright), who continues to bear the mantle of the Black Panther. Meanwhile, Will Smith makes his debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as T’Karo, a mysterious and charismatic leader with ties to Wakanda’s past.
The teaser on opens with haunting imagery of Wakanda in turmoil, its once-unshakable foundations threatened by external invaders and internal discord. Shuri, burdened by the legacy of her brother and her newfound responsibilities, is seen struggling to unite her people. The teaser reveals that T’Karo emerges as both an ally and a rival, claiming knowledge of Wakanda’s secrets that could change the nation’s future. highlights breathtaking action sequences, including a daring aerial battle over Wakanda and a dramatic underwater confrontation with Namor (Tenoch Huerta), who returns with a complex role in the unfolding drama. The teaser suggests an uneasy alliance between Wakanda and Talokan as they face a greater threat: a shadowy organization intent on exploiting Vibranium’s power for global domination.
The emotional core of the trailer, as shown on, lies in Shuri’s internal conflict and her connection to Killmonger’s spirit. The visuals tease a powerful conversation between the two, where he challenges her to embrace a darker, more ruthless path to protect Wakanda. Meanwhile, T’Karo’s intentions remain ambiguous, with Will Smith delivering a commanding performance as a figure who could either unite or divide Wakanda.
The trailer concludes on with a gripping final shot of Shuri standing at the edge of a battlefield, her suit glowing with new energy, as T’Karo steps forward, his motives unclear. The tagline, “The shadows hold the future,” promises a thrilling, high-stakes continuation of the Black Panther legacy.