Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell (2018) is the sixth installment in the beloved Tremors franchise, continuing the thrilling and often humorous story of the battle between humans and the giant, deadly creatures known as Graboids. Directed by Don Michael Paul, the film blends horror, action, and comedy with the series’ signature blend of absurdity and terror, this time set in a wintry, isolated environment.
The film follows the series’ longtime protagonist, Burt Gummer (played by Michael Gross), an expert on Graboids and survivalist who has become a cult favorite over the years. This time, he is called to action after a series of Graboid attacks threaten a research facility in the Arctic. Burt is joined by his son, Travis (played by Jamie Kennedy), and a team of scientists, as they venture into the cold and unforgiving environment to face a new and terrifying version of the Graboids — one that has adapted to survive in extreme cold temperatures.
As the Graboids evolve in unexpected ways, the team must figure out how to outsmart and defeat the creatures while contending with the freezing weather and their own dwindling resources. The stakes are higher than ever, with the deadly creatures appearing to be more lethal and smarter than before. Burt and Travis find themselves in a race against time to stop the Graboids before they can spread even further.