The Twilight Saga 6: The New Chapter | Robert Pattinson, Mackenzie Foy

Fade in: A darkened forest under a heavy mist. The sound of a heartbeat, slow and steady. Voice-over: “It’s been years since the dust settled… but not all things rest.”

Cut to: Bella Cullen (Kristen Stewart) standing by a window in the Cullen house, looking out at the stormy sky. Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) appears behind her, his expression tense. “You feel it too, don’t you?” he asks quietly. Bella nods, her eyes narrowing. “Something is coming… something new.”

Quick flash: Renesmee (Mackenzie Foy), now a young adult, training fiercely in the woods, her hands glowing with an unearthly light. She turns, sensing something, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and determination.

Music intensifies: The screen fills with quick flashes — the Volturi council chamber, Aro (Michael Sheen) looking concerned, Jane (Dakota Fanning) unleashing her deadly power on a new enemy, and Alice (Ashley Greene) gasping as a vision overtakes her. “They are not what we think they are,” she whispers.

Scene shift: A new vampire leader, tall and enigmatic with silver hair and piercing red eyes, stands atop a cliff, surrounded by a gathering of unknown vampires. “The Cullens believe they can protect everyone,” he sneers. “But they are wrong.”

Cut to: Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner), now a more seasoned warrior, running in his wolf form through the dense forests of Forks. He transforms back into human mid-stride, his expression fierce. “They’re not just after vampires this time,” he warns.

Quick montage: Explosive battles — Bella and Edward fighting side by side, Renesmee using her newfound powers against an unseen enemy, the Quileute wolves charging through a snowy landscape, and Carlisle (Peter Facinelli) standing defiantly with the Cullen clan behind him. “We fight together,” he declares.

Final shot: Edward and Bella holding hands, looking at each other with a mixture of love and fear. “No matter what comes,” Edward murmurs, “we face it together.”

Title card: “The Twilight Saga: The New Chapter.”

Screen fades to black, and a single line appears: “A new dawn begins.”

Release date flashes on screen, and the trailer ends with a heartbeat, growing louder and faster, before a sudden silence.

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