Culpa Tuya (2025), the highly anticipated sequel to Culpa Mía (My Fault), continues the tumultuous love story of Noah (Nicole Wallace) and Nick (Gabriel Guevara). Based on Mercedes Ron’s bestselling Culpables trilogy, the film dives deeper into the forbidden romance between the step-siblings, now facing even greater challenges as their relationship is tested by jealousy, betrayal, and family secrets.
The story picks up with Noah starting college, trying to balance her academic life while keeping her relationship with Nick a secret. Meanwhile, Nick is drawn back into the dangerous world of underground car racing, where he faces threats from his past. The arrival of Nick’s manipulative ex-girlfriend, Daniela, adds fuel to the fire, as she schemes to expose their relationship and destroy Noah’s trust in Nick. At the same time, Nick’s estranged mother reappears, revealing shocking truths about his family that shake his identity and his bond with Noah.
The climax of the film sees Noah and Nick’s relationship pushed to the brink when a tragic accident during a car race leaves Nick injured and Noah questioning whether their love is worth the pain it causes. The film ends on a cliffhanger, with Noah walking away, leaving fans eager for the final installment, Culpa Nuestra (Our Fault).
The production budget for Culpa Tuya is estimated at $10–15 million, slightly higher than its predecessor due to more elaborate action sequences and a larger cast. The film is expected to perform well, with projections of a global income exceeding $50 million, driven by its passionate fanbase and strong streaming numbers. Gabriel Guevara and Nicole Wallace, already rising stars, are likely to see their net worths increase significantly, cementing their status as prominent figures in the YA romance genre.