DreamWorks Animation’s The Croods 3 is set to hit theaters on July 2, 2025, continuing the adventures of the beloved prehistoric family. Following the success of its predecessors, The Croods (2013) and The Croods: A New Age (2020), the third installment promises to deliver even more heartwarming family dynamics, hilarious antics, and stunning animation. With a reported budget of $100 million to $120 million, the film maintains DreamWorks’ tradition of investing heavily in high-quality animation, voice talent, and marketing to ensure a global box office success. The budget reflects the studio’s confidence in the franchise, which has already grossed over $800 million worldwide across its first two films.
The production of The Croods 3 faced some delays due to the 2023 writers’ and actors’ strikes, but DreamWorks managed to keep the project on track by resuming work in early 2024. The film brings back the original voice cast, including Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds, Catherine Keener, and Cloris Leachman, while introducing new characters voiced by high-profile actors to expand the Croods’ world. The story is expected to explore the family’s continued adaptation to a changing world, with themes of unity, resilience, and embracing the unknown, making it relatable to audiences of all ages.
The success story of The Croods 3 lies in its ability to build on the charm and humor of the previous films while introducing fresh elements to keep the franchise exciting. The second film, The Croods: A New Age, was a surprise hit during the pandemic, grossing over $215 million worldwide despite limited theatrical releases, proving the enduring appeal of the Croods. With a prime summer release date in 2025, The Croods 3 is poised to capitalize on family audiences and the nostalgia of fans who grew up with the series. Early teasers and promotional materials have already generated significant buzz, and the film is expected to be a major box office success, further cementing the Croods as one of DreamWorks’ most beloved animated franchises.