“Extraction 3,” the highly anticipated sequel in Netflix’s blockbuster action franchise, is set to continue the thrilling saga of Tyler Rake, played by Chris Hemsworth. While the exact production budget for the film has not been officially disclosed, the previous installments were known for their high-octane action sequences and substantial budgets. The first “Extraction” reportedly cost around $65 million, and its sequel, “Extraction 2,” likely exceeded that figure due to its ambitious 21-minute one-take action scene. Given the franchise’s reputation for pushing the boundaries of action filmmaking, “Extraction 3” is expected to have a similarly significant budget, potentially surpassing $70 million, to deliver another visually stunning and adrenaline-pumping experience.
The release date for “Extraction 3” has not been officially confirmed, but production is expected to begin in 2025, as stated by Joe Russo, one of the film’s producers and writers. Based on the timeline of the previous films, which took approximately two to three years from production to release, fans can anticipate the movie to debut on Netflix in late 2025 or early 2026. The film will once again be directed by Sam Hargrave, with the Russo brothers contributing to the script, ensuring continuity in the franchise’s signature style and storytelling.
The success of the “Extraction” franchise has been monumental for Netflix, with the first film becoming one of the platform’s most-watched original movies, amassing over 99 million views in its first month. “Extraction 2” followed suit, breaking records with 88.4 million hours viewed in its opening weekend. The franchise’s blend of intense action, emotional depth, and Chris Hemsworth’s star power has resonated with audiences worldwide. With the addition of Idris Elba’s mysterious character and the promise of another gripping storyline, “Extraction 3” is poised to build on this legacy, further solidifying its place as one of Netflix’s most successful and beloved action franchises. Fans eagerly await the next chapter in Tyler Rake’s journey, which promises to deliver even higher stakes and groundbreaking action sequences.