“Sonic the Hedgehog 3” picks up shortly after the events of the second film, with Sonic (voiced by Ben Schwartz) settling into his new life on Earth alongside his human friends, Tom (James Marsden) and Maddie (Tika Sumpter). However, peace is short-lived when an old adversary, Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey), returns with a sinister plan. This time, he has a new ally: Shadow the Hedgehog, a powerful, mysterious figure created in a secret government lab known as Project Shadow.
The trailer reveals that Shadow was created using the DNA of a powerful ancient creature and was designed to be the ultimate life form. Manipulated by Dr. Robotnik, Shadow believes Sonic is a threat to his existence and the world. As Sonic tries to reach out to Shadow, hoping to make him see Robotnik’s true nature, tensions escalate, leading to an epic battle between the two hedgehogs.
Meanwhile, Tails (Colleen O’Shaughnessey) and Knuckles (Idris Elba) discover a hidden Chaos Emerald that holds immense power. They realize that Robotnik is after all seven Chaos Emeralds to create the fabled “Chaos Control,” a weapon capable of reshaping reality itself. As Sonic races against time to stop Robotnik and Shadow, he learns that Shadow’s creation is tied to an even darker secret involving his own origins.
The trailer teases thrilling chase scenes, battles across diverse landscapes—from cities to space stations—and intense showdowns between Sonic and Shadow, with each unleashing their unique powers. At the heart of it, the story explores themes of identity, purpose, and the struggle between light and darkness.
The climax builds up to an epic confrontation where Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles must face Robotnik and Shadow in a showdown that could determine the fate of the world. Just as Sonic begins to gain Shadow’s trust, Robotnik betrays his ally, revealing his plan to use Shadow’s powers to activate the Chaos Control device.
The trailer ends with a cliffhanger: a bright flash of light as the Chaos Emeralds come together, leaving fans wondering if Sonic and his friends will survive the ultimate battle against Robotnik’s malevolent scheme.